Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Monthly Variation in Physiochemical Parameters of Ebonyi River System

Fresh water is a finite resource, essential for agriculture, industry and even for human survival. Without fresh water ofadequate quality and quantity sustainable development will not be possible. Because of this reason, governments of most countries see an imperative need to become involved in its over-all management. Yet in many developing countries, water resources are not being managed efficiently and in a manner that will sustain the natural qualities.

 Ebonyi River System

It was observed that in 2011, the monthly variation in water temperature showed that Mkpuma River consistently had higher water temperature except in April and December when higher water temperatures were recorded in Enyigba and Pond water, respectively. The water temperature in 2012was still higher in Mkpume River in all months of sampling except in December, January and February; when higher water temperature were noted in pond water and Enyigba river.

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