Friday 20 January 2017

Post-Harvest Physiology and Technology in Orchids

Orchids comprise the largest family of flowering plants with 25,000 to 35000 species belonging to 600-800 genera . They are prized for their incredible diversity in the size, shape and color and attractiveness of their flowers and high keeping qualities even upto 10 weeks. Most of theorchids have originated from tropical humid forests of Central and SouthAmerica, India, Sri Lanka, Burma, South China, Thailand, Malayasia, Philippines, New Guinea and Australia. Brazilian Cattleya, Mexican Laelia and Indian Cymbidium, Vanda and Dendrobium have played a major role in developing present day beautiful hybrid orchids which numbers more than 200000. In the international trade, among top ten cut flowers, orchids rank the sixth position and among orchids Cymbidium ranks the first position and in floricultural crops it accounts for 3% of the total cut flower production.

Post-Harvest Physiology

In India, orchid comprises 158 genera and 1331 species which grow upto an elevation of 5000 m. Indian terrestrials are located inhumus rich moist earth under tree shades in North Western India. Western Ghats harbour the small flowered orchids.

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