dairy industry is a large and dynamic segment of the agricultural economy of
many nations and the major suppliers of milk and milk products to the urban and
periurban consumers. Periurban and urban dairies are intensive productionsystems, which keep high grade cows and have improved management practices but
this is usually associated with increase susceptibility to disease, poor
survival rate and poor reproductive performance.
in young stock, a good nutritional strategy optimize rumen development and
growth while minimizing stress and disease. Livestock housing conditions
greatly affects health and productivity. A relationship between housing and
health during the rearing period has been described by several authors.
Cleanliness of the barn influences calf health, as calves housed in unclean
barns are at higher risk of disease than calves housed in clean barns.Colostrum
contains a high level of nutrients important for lamb health and performance.
it contains a high level of antibodies against a variety of infectious agents.
The poor immune system and lack of previous exposure to infection make new born
calves susceptible to infectious diseases and poor management.(Read more)
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