Wednesday 19 October 2016

Nucleotides and Effect Over Starving Condition on Fish SHK-1 Cells Model

In the industry of productive species, additives play an important role in boosting physiological processes. Nucleotides, which areprecursors of DNA replication, have long been recognized as important elementsin mammalian nutrition. Regarding resistance to infections, it has been shown that groups of mice that are fed diets supplemented with nucleotides have less mortality following infection with Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans than groups of mice that are fed nucleotide-free diets.

Fish SHK-1 Cells Model

This heightened resistance to infection is reported to be the result of increased phagocytic activity of murine peritoneal macrophages, increased T-cell dependent antibody production, and enhanced and elevate bone marrow cells and increase peripheral neutrophil numbers. But at cellular levelthe mechanism of the nucleotides in fish are complete described. We don’t have evidence of physiological roll of the nucleotides in the fish cells and the biotechnology offer opportunity for initiative this kind of study.

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