Thursday 29 June 2017

Stock Assessment and Estimation of Optimum Yield for Tilapia Stock (Oreochromis niloticus) in Lake Hawassa, Ethiopia.

The basic purpose of stock assessment is to provide decision makers with the information necessary to makerational choices on the optimum level of exploitation of aquatic living resourcessuch as fish. Aquatic living resources are limited but renewable, and fish stock assessment may be described as the search for the exploitation level, which in the long run gives the maximum sustainable bio-economic yield in weight from fishery.
journal of poultry, fisheries & wildlife sciences
Fish resource utilization is the primary and an important economic activity. Its purpose is to provide a flow of benefits to human society; it serves as a food because of its rich nutritional value in provision of protein. The global capture fisheries production in 2008 was reported by FAO, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, as 90 million tones, with an estimated first-sale value of US$93.9 billion, comprising about 80 million tons from marine waters and 10 million tons from inland waters.(Read More)

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