Tuesday 13 September 2016

Recent Advances in Reproductive Biotechnologies in Sheep and Goat

The recent advances in reproductive biotechnologies in sheep and goat were focused on this review. Some of these technologies are already widely used in the cattle industry, and some are new to the goat and sheep industry. There are some aspects that were discussed which are related to veterinary and biomedical field importance in artificial insemination using the copulated semen, in vitro or in vivo fertilization, interspecies in vitro fertilization, multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET), somatic cell nuclear transfer and transgenic animal production in sheep and goat.

Reproductive Biotechnologies in Sheep and GoatThe world sheep and goat populations in 2006 were recorded as 416 and 489 million, respectively. Reproductive biotechnologies are playing an increasingly important role in the production and management of these species. Animal biotechnology encompasses the application of science and engineering principles to the processing or production of materials to provide services or goods for human use.

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