The tropical
marine ecosystem is characterized by the presence of the coral reefs, which
support a large variety of fish communities, and benthic fauna that are sources
of eggs and larvae of fish and benthic fauna, and the open ocean, where
mesopelagic fish dominate the fish community (Nonaka et al. 2000). The
distribution of the pelagic stages of coral reef fishes has received moreattention than any other aspects of their biology and show that larvae of the
coral reef fishes can be found from water over the reef to the open ocean many
hundreds of kilometres from any reef (Victor, 1987). As such, the knowledge of
the natural history and ecology of fish larvae is very important for the
understanding of the biology of fishes (Leis & Rennis, 1983).
Fish larval distribution is
influenced by spawning behaviour of the adult fish, hydrographic structure at avariety of scales and the interaction with the reef topography, duration of the
larval period, behaviour of the larvae and larval mortality and growth and
their variation in space and time (Leis, 1991a).
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