Friday 31 March 2017

Diagnostic Cytology in Veterinary Medicine

Diagnostic cytology is known for the science of interpretation of cells that are either exfoliated from epithelial surfaces or removed from various tissues. It can be carried out by different methods and it has many applications in diagnosing and confirming different diseases. Cytology is an inexpensive however, powerful diagnostic tool that allows for rapid diagnosis of many common diseases. Cytological examinations identify disease process; neoplasia versus inflammation, specific versus non-specific inflammation. It also used in direct therapy, to form prognosis and to determinate next diagnostic procedures. Character of the lesion and tissue sampled play pivotal roles in the diagnostic value of cytology. 

Diagnostic Cytology in Veterinary Medicine
Familiarity with preferred sampling methods and reported accuracy is critical for veterinary practitioners and sample of good quality is imperative. The 1920s were momentous years in diagnostic cytology. The first monograph of clinical cytology was published in Spain. James Ewing (1866- 1943) introduced aspiration cytology in New York City And Aurel Babes (1886-1961), of Rumania, and George Papanicolaou (1883-1962), of New York City, published papers on detection of uterine cervical cancers by examination of vaginal smears.

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