Monday 3 April 2017

The Hypothesis of the Causes of Climate Change

“We do not exaggerate nor understate the extent of danger. We speak with numbers at hand. We have data on natural disasters, and it is absolutely clear that over the last ten years the planet has witnessed three times more natural disasters caused by weather change than, for example, in the 1960s.” Peter Hoppe, Munich Re insurance concern, the head of Geological Hazard Evaluation department.

Hypothesis of the Causes of Climate ChangeOver the millions of years the nature has perfected the balance of interaction between its atmosphere and animal-vegetable worlds. The Earth’s land receives as much water as it needs for reproduction and existence of biosphere. In response the biosphere returns taken moisture with respiration and transpiration to the atmosphere. Man has destroyed this balance. The half of the land has been taken from nature - arable land, dumps, landfills, reservoirs, flood spills, deforestation, construction of cities and roads, etc. It is estimated that from 149 million km2 (149 million square kilometers), more than 63% of habitable land is destroyed by man .

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