Monday 7 November 2016

Effect of Cuff Placement on Blood Pressure Measurement in Conscious Healthy Dogs

Scientific advancements in modern medicine have helped prolong significantly human life length. In the veterinary field, theseachievements have been just marginal; more of them due to adequate veterinarypreventive care, among others. However, it is expected that in the next decades there will be also great progresses in the field of companion animal medicine due to the tendency to suffer from conditions related to ageing, as occurs in human beings . Diseases like chronic renal disease, cancer or heart disease are very common in the geriatric dog or cat. 

Effect of Cuff Placement on Blood Pressure
A very common complication from the above mentioned circumstances is systemic hypertension, and when properly diagnosed, warrant classification and management. Systemic hypertension is of concern, because can cause injury to tissues, commonly referred to as Target-Organ Damage (TOD), which is generally a strong indication for antihypertensive therapy.Recent advancements in diagnostic techniques to determineBlood Pressure (BP) make possible to obtain rapid and accurate measurements inconscious animals. One priority for a busy practitioner and owners is to obtain quick and reliable results by using non-invasive methods.

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