Friday 18 November 2016

Evaluation of Blackgram Germplasm for Resistance against YMV

Blackgram (minumulu) is a very important grain legume crop grown in Andhra Pradesh in all the seasons but predominantly during rabi under rice fallows. The GunturDistrict ranks first in Andhra Pradesh for the production of blackgram. Blackgram is very nutritious as it contains high levels of proteins, potassium, calcium, iron, niacin (B3), thimine (B1), Riboflavin (B2). Blackgram has been shown to be useful in mitigating elevated cholesterol levels. Blackgram has received prominence in Indian dites especially for culinary preparation of dal, Idli, Vada, Dosa, papad.

Evaluation of Blackgram Germplasm
Although blackgram has been traditionally cultivated after rice in krishna delta, it was consider only as subsistent crop with yields usually below 0.5 t/ha. Following comprehensive constraint analysis in 1980’s cultivar improvement programme was initiated Satyanarayana 1994 and the resistant disease resistant varieties LBG-17 (powderynildw disease), LBG -402 (wilt), LBG - 645 banda polish (wilt) etc... With yields exceeding 2.5 t / ha under with minimal management conditions. The above cultivars catalyzed commercialization of crop on largescale and economy of the farmers as well as sustainability of the productionsystem. Blackgram production in rice fellows contributed to area and production increase in the state from 410 kg / ha on 219 00 ha in 1981- 82 to 737 kg/ha on 560,000 ha in 1991-92.

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