Monday 29 August 2016

Impact of Community culture on orangutan development

The common perceptions regarding the orangutan forests are that, the inhabitants are completely isolated and their existence can be accurately monitored through geographic representation are not totally correct. Eventhough population density appears resource dependent butbehavioural studies reveal that, it takes a community to raise an orangutan. Development of intricate communication techniques among themselves reflects the importance of the community.

orangutan development

Perception that orangutan are forest inhabitants living in isolated existence may be an accurate geographic portrayal, but overlooks noncontiguous interactions. While population density appears resource dependent, it takes a community to “raise” an orang. Their development of intricate communication techniques reflects the importance of community. Clicks and “faux speech” represent arousal and alarm calls, in the form of grumphs, gorkunes, grumbiass. Sophisticated kiss-squeak alarm calls involving cupping hands around muzzles to reduce pitch, facilitating long-distance sound transmission.

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