Wednesday 17 August 2016

QTL Mapping and Gene Cloning of Durable Resistance to Blast in Rice

Rice blast, caused by Pyricularia grisea Sacc., is a destructive disease of rice in most rice growing areas around the world. Breeding efforts have been made to introduce genes for blast resistanceinto desirable genetic background. Resistance to rice blast is categorized two types, complete (true) and incomplete (field resistance). Complete resistance is a hypersensitive reaction, often a complete form of resistance, and is characterized by a resistant infection type. More than 20 loci for complete blast resistance have been identified.

Resistance to Blast in Rice

Rice blast, caused by Pyricularia grisea Sacc., is a destructive disease of rice in most rice growing areas around the world. Breeding efforts have been made to introduce genes for blast resistance into desirable genetic background. Resistance to rice blast is categorized two types, complete (true) and incomplete (field resistance). Complete resistanceis a hypersensitive reaction, often a complete form of resistance, and is characterized by a resistant infection type. More than 20 loci for complete blast resistance have been identified. Although cultivars with complete resistance were developed, the resistance has rapidly been broken down by compatible races of the pathogen. Field resistance, incomplete and usually polygenic, is a susceptible infection type that allows effective control of a parasite under natural field conditions and may be durable when exposed to new races of blast.

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